Django News

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Latest Django articles

Secure Your Django App with Parameterized Queries

Secure Your Django App with Parameterized Queries

Building software goes beyond creating a functional application or solution. You also need to protect...

17 May 2024devto

Part One: Building Project Management System with Django

Part One: Building Project Management System with Django

In this article, you will learn how to build web applications using Django; the Python framework. We...

17 May 2024devto

Django 8: Implementing the game in Player vs Player

Django 8: Implementing the game in Player vs Player

NOTE: This article was initially posted on my Substack, at...

17 May 2024devto

Crafting the Ingredients for Lovely: Challenges, Technologies, and Future Goals

Crafting the Ingredients for Lovely: Challenges, Technologies, and Future Goals

In the digital age, creating a captivating online presence is vital for any business, and...

17 May 2024devto

TUBA: Finally, an Error Management Tool for Microservices

TUBA: Finally, an Error Management Tool for Microservices

Microservice architecture, while powerful and flexible, comes with its own set of immense headaches....

16 May 2024devto

Opinionated Architecture: Simple Guide for Beginners

Opinionated Architecture: Simple Guide for Beginners

Recently I have started working on In documents I read about opinionated architecture. This...

16 May 2024devto

RESTful API in Django [Django Rest Framework]

RESTful API in Django [Django Rest Framework]

Mastering Django REST Framework: A Guide to Building RESTful APIs By @bekbrace aka. Amir Bekhit Hey...

15 May 2024devto

Custom Ordering in Django: Prioritize Your Data

Custom Ordering in Django: Prioritize Your Data

While Developing an application, there's often a need to prioritize items based on specific criteria....

14 May 2024devto

Extend Django Templates with Custom Tags and Filters

Extend Django Templates with Custom Tags and Filters

Django's templating system is a powerful tool for rendering HTML with dynamic data. While Django...

14 May 2024devto

Transform Your Django Images with django-imagekit

Transform Your Django Images with django-imagekit

When building websites, it's important to handle images effectively to look good and not slow down...

14 May 2024devto

Trending Django repositories


Open source code for AlphaFold.

11,804 stars2,100 forks


🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production

29,716 stars3,509 forks


Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities

18,469 stars2,383 forks


A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.

63,728 stars14,482 forks


A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader

71,661 stars5,714 forks

Upcoming Django conferences

PyCon Italia

May 22 - 25Online


June 25 - 28Online


September 18 - 19Heidelberg

PyCon India

September 20 - 23Bengaluru