FastApi News

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Latest FastApi articles

Exploring My Tech Stack: Crafting Cutting-Edge Software Projects 🚀🔧

Exploring My Tech Stack: Crafting Cutting-Edge Software Projects 🚀🔧

As a passionate software engineer, I've dedicated myself to mastering a diverse and powerful tech...

17 May 2024devto

What’s the Difference Between Flask and FastAPI?

What’s the Difference Between Flask and FastAPI?

There are many microframeworks in Python, including Django, Flask, Bottle, and Flask. But two are the...

14 May 2024devto

Python FastAPI: Tutorial to Test HTTP Client Requests

Python FastAPI: Tutorial to Test HTTP Client Requests

Disclaimer: I’m learning Python, so please correct me if I’ve written something wrong! In this...

13 May 2024devto

The FastAPI CLI Will Ease Building Apps

The FastAPI CLI Will Ease Building Apps

FastAPI got a CLI and I share my thoughts in this video. I also give a walk-through of the available...

09 May 2024devto

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (29/04/2024-05/05/2024)

Stay Updated with Python/FastAPI/Django: Weekly News Summary (29/04/2024-05/05/2024)

Dive into the latest tech buzz with this weekly news summary, focusing on Python, FastAPI, and Django...

08 May 2024devto

FastAPI Backend Architecture: Model-Controller-Service

FastAPI Backend Architecture: Model-Controller-Service

Building an app has its challenges, but making the app scale well as the code and traffic increases in volume is a different beast altogether. You not only have to consider the features to be implemented, but also how you can make your services perfo...

07 May 2024hashnode

Part 4: Security and Authentication in FastAPI

Part 4: Security and Authentication in FastAPI

Part 4: Security and Authentication in FastAPI In this part of our FastAPI series, we...

06 May 2024devto

Deploy Fullstack FastAPI Application On Render For Free in 10 minutes.

Deploy Fullstack FastAPI Application On Render For Free in 10 minutes.

Introduction: Render is a Platform As A Service which helps developers eliminate the...

06 May 2024devto

Github Sponsor Sebastián Ramírez Python programmer

Github Sponsor Sebastián Ramírez Python programmer

Creating a web framework that many companies rely on can bring you a few sponsors....

05 May 2024devto

I have built an API using TypeScript, Python, and Go, so you don't have to.

I have built an API using TypeScript, Python, and Go, so you don't have to.

I have built an API using TypeScript, Python, and Go to test them and make it easier for you and me...

02 May 2024devto

Trending FastApi repositories


Open source code for AlphaFold.

11,804 stars2,100 forks


🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production

29,716 stars3,509 forks


Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities

18,469 stars2,383 forks


A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.

63,728 stars14,482 forks


A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader

71,661 stars5,714 forks

Upcoming FastApi conferences

PyCon Italia

May 22 - 25Online


June 25 - 28Online


September 18 - 19Heidelberg

PyCon India

September 20 - 23Bengaluru