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Latest Kotlin articles
Unlock 100s of Microservices in 5 Easy Steps with Spring Cloud Config & Kotlin!
Building a microservice architecture with Java and Spring Boot has gained immense popularity in...
07 October 2024devto
Building Real-Time Chat with Kotlin Multiplatform and Stream Chat SDK
Introduction Real-time chat features have become essential for modern apps in our...
07 October 2024devto
Functional vs Object-Oriented Programming
*Functional vs Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): How to Decide? * 🔑 Choosing the Right...
06 October 2024devto
Create a native Kotlin application with Spring Boot Native, Gradle, and GraalVM without Docker for MacOS and Windows
In this article, I would like to talk about the practical experience of native compilation of a...
07 October 2024devto
Emulating classes with functions in Kotlin for maximum performance 🚀
If you're building quality software in Kotlin, you'll undoubtedly be using classes and dependency...
07 October 2024devto
Writing parallelizable tests with the carlspring/idempotence framework for Java
Disclaimer This is a re-post of my article on Medium.com with the hope of reaching more...
06 October 2024devto
Choosing The Right Language in 2024: Javascript vs Kotlin vs PHP vs Python
I’ve been a developer for over 7 years now, and I’ve used a lot of technologies for both personal projects and client projects. Kotlin, Node, PHP, and Python are the four that I have used the most. I want to talk about the benefits for each of them a...
06 October 2024hashnode
Kotlin VS Java – Which Programming Language Should You Learn?
Kotlin VS Java – Which Programming Language Should You Learn?...
27 July 2020freecodecamp
Day 21. Pagination
I really enjoy it when I can design a class that should keep logic. It feels like pure engineering....
30 September 2024devto
How to Convert Data Types to Hexadecimal in Kotlin?
Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system commonly used in programming for its concise representation...
30 September 2024devto