Kotlin News

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Latest Kotlin articles

Unlock 100s of Microservices in 5 Easy Steps with Spring Cloud Config & Kotlin!

Unlock 100s of Microservices in 5 Easy Steps with Spring Cloud Config & Kotlin!

Building a microservice architecture with Java and Spring Boot has gained immense popularity in...

07 October 2024devto

Building Real-Time Chat with Kotlin Multiplatform and Stream Chat SDK

Building Real-Time Chat with Kotlin Multiplatform and Stream Chat SDK

Introduction Real-time chat features have become essential for modern apps in our...

07 October 2024devto

Functional vs Object-Oriented Programming

Functional vs Object-Oriented Programming

*Functional vs Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): How to Decide? * 🔑 Choosing the Right...

06 October 2024devto

Create a native Kotlin application with Spring Boot Native, Gradle, and GraalVM without Docker for MacOS and Windows

Create a native Kotlin application with Spring Boot Native, Gradle, and GraalVM without Docker for MacOS and Windows

In this article, I would like to talk about the practical experience of native compilation of a...

07 October 2024devto

Emulating classes with functions in Kotlin for maximum performance 🚀

Emulating classes with functions in Kotlin for maximum performance 🚀

If you're building quality software in Kotlin, you'll undoubtedly be using classes and dependency...

07 October 2024devto

Writing parallelizable tests with the carlspring/idempotence framework for Java

Writing parallelizable tests with the carlspring/idempotence framework for Java

Disclaimer This is a re-post of my article on Medium.com with the hope of reaching more...

06 October 2024devto

Choosing The Right Language in 2024: Javascript vs Kotlin vs PHP vs Python

Choosing The Right Language in 2024: Javascript vs Kotlin vs PHP vs Python

I’ve been a developer for over 7 years now, and I’ve used a lot of technologies for both personal projects and client projects. Kotlin, Node, PHP, and Python are the four that I have used the most. I want to talk about the benefits for each of them a...

06 October 2024hashnode

Kotlin VS Java – Which Programming Language Should You Learn?

Kotlin VS Java – Which Programming Language Should You Learn?

Kotlin VS Java – Which Programming Language Should You Learn?...

27 July 2020freecodecamp

Day 21. Pagination

Day 21. Pagination

I really enjoy it when I can design a class that should keep logic. It feels like pure engineering....

30 September 2024devto

How to Convert Data Types to Hexadecimal in Kotlin?

How to Convert Data Types to Hexadecimal in Kotlin?

Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system commonly used in programming for its concise representation...

30 September 2024devto

Upcoming Kotlin conferences

MWC Las Vegas

October 08 - 09Las Vegas, NV

droidcon London

October 31 - November 01London