Javascript News

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Latest Javascript articles

Unveiling JavaScript: Type Conversions

Unveiling JavaScript: Type Conversions

Type Conversions in JavaScript refer to the automatic or explicit process of converting data from one data type to another in JavaScript. These conversions are essential for JavaScript to perform operations and comparisons effectively. JavaScript var...

20 April 2024hashnode

Mastering TypeScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering TypeScript: A Comprehensive Guide

TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft that builds upon JavaScript by adding optional static typing, interfaces, classes, and other features to help developers write robust and scalable code. It compiles to plain Jav...

20 April 2024hashnode

A step-by-step guide on how to create and publish and npm package

A step-by-step guide on how to create and publish and npm package

If you are reading this, you are most likely either trying to publish a package to npm or just...

20 April 2024devto

JavaScript Tips: Useful Tricks and Best Practices

JavaScript Tips: Useful Tricks and Best Practices

As you probably are aware, JavaScript is the main programming language on the planet, the language of...

20 April 2024devto

Fetching Data from Database Using AJAX and PHP

Fetching Data from Database Using AJAX and PHP

In web development, it's common to fetch data from a database and display it dynamically on a web page without having to reload the entire page. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) allows us to achieve this by making asynchronous requests to the s...

20 April 2024hashnode

Unveiling JavaScript: Data types

Unveiling JavaScript: Data types

Data types are fundamental building blocks in any programming language. They define the type of values your variables can hold and how operations are performed on them. JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning data types are associated wit...

20 April 2024hashnode

Effect 3.0

Effect 3.0

Announcement Effect is finally stable! Effect 3.0: Production-Grade TypeScript I am...

19 April 2024devto

Top Linters for JavaScript and TypeScript: Simplifying Code Quality Management

Top Linters for JavaScript and TypeScript: Simplifying Code Quality Management

TL;DR: Want to write cleaner, more maintainable JavaScript and TypeScript code? Explore 5 powerful...

17 April 2024devto

Unveiling JavaScript: Constants

Unveiling JavaScript: Constants

JavaScript constants, declared using the const keyword (introduced in ES6), are variables whose values cannot be reassigned after initialization. They provide a mechanism to ensure data integrity and prevent accidental modifications. Declaring Consta...

20 April 2024hashnode

Why Should You Use React JS?

Why Should You Use React JS?

React JS is Fast For many applications, using React will lead to a fast user interface without...

19 April 2024devto

Trending Javascript repositories


A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.

15,597 stars874 forks


Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages ๐Ÿ“–๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ–ฅ

33,298 stars2,122 forks


Shared data types for building collaborative software

15,014 stars543 forks


Cybernetically enhanced web apps

76,261 stars3,922 forks


๐Ÿฅ‰ useful helpers for react-three-fiber

7,267 stars613 forks

Upcoming Javascript conferences

Azure Cosmos DB Conf

April 16Online

React Miami

April 19 - 20Miami, FL

Vue.js Live Conference

April 25 - 26Online


May 07 - 08Mainz