React News

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Latest React articles

Essential Front-End Interview Topics Explained  #day 1

Essential Front-End Interview Topics Explained #day 1

What is the difference between HTML and HTML5? HTML5 stands as the most recent version of HTML, introducing new elements, attributes, and APIs when compared to older HTML versions. Explain the CSS box model. The CSS box model describes how element...

03 May 2024hashnode

🖋️ Unlock Your Writing Potential with CopilotKit's AI-Powered Wizardry!

🖋️ Unlock Your Writing Potential with CopilotKit's AI-Powered Wizardry!

💡 Why this? I created this project to participate in the Quest challenge, but more...

02 May 2024devto

Why write a library?f

Why write a library?f

My technical pet peeve This irritates me - typing a variable’s name beside the variable...

03 May 2024devto

Podcast: A candid chat about the developer market with Don the Developer

Podcast: A candid chat about the developer market with Don the Developer It’s no secret that the job market is tough right now for new developers. That’s created challenges for students, of course, but also for bootcamps. Over the past year or so, we’ve seen several bootc...

02 May 2024hashnode

The .env file

The .env file

A ‘.env’ file is a configuration file used to store environment-specific settings for an application. It’s particularly common in JavaScript-based projects, like those using Node.js or frontend frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue. The purpose o...

02 May 2024hashnode

I'm Building a Full-Stack App: Here Are the Libraries I'm Going to Use...

I'm Building a Full-Stack App: Here Are the Libraries I'm Going to Use...

There are countless frameworks and libraries that you can use to improve your full-stack application. We will cover exciting concepts like in-app notifications, making videos with react, and from email API for developers to creating interactive music...

02 May 2024hashnode

The Magic of keyof and typeof in Typescript

The Magic of keyof and typeof in Typescript

Ever get stuck writing out long unions for component props based on an object? There's a cleaner way!...

02 May 2024devto

The Magic of keyof and typeof in Typescript

The Magic of keyof and typeof in Typescript

Ever get stuck writing out long unions for component props based on an object? There's a cleaner way! This post explores using keyof and typeof to automatically generate type unions from object keys for your React components. The Problem: Let's say y...

02 May 2024hashnode

How to create and monetize UI library?

How to create and monetize UI library?

Hi guys, I'd like to create a UI library in react that will offer a range collection of components...

02 May 2024devto

Trending React repositories


🌐 🔌 The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites

11,477 stars4,663 forks


Cross-platform automation framework for all kinds of your apps built on top of W3C WebDriver protocol

17,922 stars5,949 forks


Official electron build of

46,770 stars4,739 forks


H5 Page Maker, H5 Editor, LowCode. Make H5 as easy as building blocks. | 让H5制作像搭积木一样简单, 轻松搭建H5页面, H5网站, PC端网站,LowCode平台.

8,514 stars1,621 forks


Powerful rich text editor framework with a modular architecture, modern integrations, and features like collaborative editing.

8,218 stars3,581 forks

Upcoming React conferences


May 07 - 08Mainz

App.js Conf

May 22 - 24Online


May 23 - 24Cluj-Napoca