Flask News

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Latest Flask articles

Deploy basic Python web application with Docker Compose

Deploy basic Python web application with Docker Compose

Using the Flask framework, the application features a hit counter in Redis, providing a practical example of how Docker Compose can be applied in web development scenarios. 👉Prerequisites: Ensure Docker is installed on your machine. Docker allows y...

28 April 2024hashnode

Overview of web development.

Overview of web development.

Web development encompasses all the tasks involved in creating and maintaining websites or web...

27 April 2024devto

A Beginner's Guide to Flask App Development: Getting Started with Python's Microframework

A Beginner's Guide to Flask App Development: Getting Started with Python's Microframework

Introduction Flask, known for its simplicity and flexibility, has become a popular choice for...

26 April 2024devto

Could This Be The Weirdest Python Library Ever?

Could This Be The Weirdest Python Library Ever?

I got introduced to the world of computer programming with Python (I am a staunch member of the ‘HTML is not a programming language’ camp), and after I got wowed by the basics and stuff, I went to get the award winning Head First Python book for furt...

26 April 2024hashnode

One year later: Rithm's behavioral interviews

One year later: Rithm's behavioral interviews

It was only one year ago that we added behavioral interviews to our admissions process. Adding a 30...

25 April 2024devto

How to containerize a Flask Python application using Docker

How to containerize a Flask Python application using Docker

Before Docker, developers, and operations engineers had a huge setback when deploying an application to the servers because dependencies were to be installed on every machine to run the desired application. This approach created a lot of errors and m...

24 April 2024hashnode

Deploy ML Models with Streamlit

Deploy ML Models with Streamlit

Streamlit is an open-source Python library that can make and deploy beautiful-looking web apps in a few minutes. It has been quite a handy tool for deploying ML models without creating API endpoints in Flask or FastAPI. Today, I will talk about some ...

24 April 2024hashnode

#Day 17 Docker Continuous... Docker File, Devops Project.

#Day 17 Docker Continuous... Docker File, Devops Project.

Dockerfile Docker is a tool that makes it easy to run applications in containers. Containers are like small packages that hold everything an application needs to run. To create these containers, developers use something called a Dockerfile. A Dockerf...

23 April 2024hashnode

Dash: Web applications with Python

Dash: Web applications with Python

What is Dash? Dash is a Python framework used to create interactive web applications and data analytics. It is built on top of Flask, Plotly.js, and React.js, allowing developers to create complete web applications using only Python. Main Features Py...

20 April 2024hashnode

AlchemistAI- A Revolutionary step towards AI in healthcare

AlchemistAI- A Revolutionary step towards AI in healthcare

Title: Transforming Healthcare with AlchemistAI: Innovations in Privacy-Preserving Collaborative...

20 April 2024devto

Trending Flask repositories


Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.

254,671 stars43,497 forks


🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications

83,361 stars12,822 forks


Open Source HR and Payroll Software

788 stars497 forks


A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents

16,822 stars876 forks


A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine

8,801 stars891 forks

Upcoming Flask conferences

PyCon Italia

May 22 - 25Online


June 25 - 28Online


September 18 - 19Heidelberg

PyCon India

September 20 - 23Bengaluru