Typescript News

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Latest Typescript articles

How to Build a Chat App / WhatsApp Clone (Methods and Architecture)

How to Build a Chat App / WhatsApp Clone (Methods and Architecture)

Context: In this blog I will be sharing standard procedures, my learnings and experiences while I was building a Chat App. Instead of traditional method of implementing websocket connection, I will be using realtime-update service provided by firesto...

26 April 2024hashnode

Path To A Clean(er) React Architecture - API Layer & Fetch Functions

Path To A Clean(er) React Architecture - API Layer & Fetch Functions

Mixing API and UI code quickly leads to messy and unmaintainable code. In this article, we take a step towards a cleaner React architecture by extracting fetch functions to an API layer....

26 April 2024devto

How to install typescript

How to install typescript

Globally Installing TypeScript You can use npm to install TypeScript globally, this means that you can use the tsc command anywhere in your terminal npm install -g typescript To run typescript npx tsc Check Typescript version tsc -v You might ...

26 April 2024hashnode

The fundamental concepts of typescript

The fundamental concepts of typescript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language, providing developers...

26 April 2024devto

Setup React Typescript with Vite & ESLint

Setup React Typescript with Vite & ESLint

Setup React Typescript with Vite & ESLint Vite is trending recently, because of its...

26 April 2024devto

Shared Data-Layer Setup For Micro Frontend Application with Nx Workspace

Shared Data-Layer Setup For Micro Frontend Application with Nx Workspace

This tutorial will guide you through setting up a shared data-layer for a Micro Frontend Application...

25 April 2024devto

Code a Kirby Clone with TypeScript and Kaboom.js

Code a Kirby Clone with TypeScript and Kaboom.js

Code a Kirby Clone with TypeScript and Kaboom.js...

25 April 2024freecodecamp

API Handling: Utilizing the Facade Pattern with Axios in Frontend Development

API Handling: Utilizing the Facade Pattern with Axios in Frontend Development

Hello everyone! Today, I'd like to share a code pattern for interacting with APIs from the...

25 April 2024devto

The ultimate Node Test Runner + TypeScript + ENV variables guide

The ultimate Node Test Runner + TypeScript + ENV variables guide

This also works in a monorepo ;) First install dotenv-cli, tsx and glob: # Use whatever package...

25 April 2024devto

Help us make digital ID accessible to everyone (experienced software engineer)

Help us make digital ID accessible to everyone (experienced software engineer)

About Us Hiya. We're building VouchSafe, an identity verification toolkit that works for...

25 April 2024devto

Trending Typescript repositories


The open source Firebase alternative.

65,667 stars6,121 forks


Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.

28,560 stars6,458 forks


A self-hosted file sharing platform that combines lightness and beauty, perfect for seamless and efficient file sharing.

1,873 stars145 forks


Material UI: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design.

91,537 stars31,427 forks


The cutest Discord client mod

6,584 stars938 forks

Upcoming Typescript conferences

Visual Studio Live! (VSLive!) Chicago

April 29 - May 03Chicago, IL


May 07 - 08Mainz

JSConf Budapest

June 26 - 28Budapest